Kamis, 15 Oktober 2009

Proof of Performance

Proof of Performance

Pureit is an engineering marvel, a breakthrough product that has evolved over a span of five years, with the combined efforts of over a hundred qualified scientists at Hindustan Unilever and Unilever Research Centre.

Within a very short time, Pureit has proved its credentials amongst the scientific and public health community, has delighted consumers, and has convinced doctors of its efficacy.

Performance Reports

Pureit’s performance has been rigorously tested by leading international and national medical, scientific and public health institutions. To know more, Click Here

Zero Chlorine Presence

The certificate from ASHCO confirms that there is zero presence of residual chlorine in Pureit Output Water. Click Here

Consumer Reactions

Pureit has satisfied lakhs of consumers with its great product performance. To share their Pureit experience, Click Here

Awards and Recognition

Pureit has won the UK Trade and Investment India Business Award for 2008 in the innovation category.

Pureit has also recieved the UNESCO Water Digest Water Award 2008 - 2009 in the category of Best Domestic Non - Electrical Water Purifier.

Pureit has also won the Golden Peacock Innovative Product / Service Award -2008 in the FMCG sector.

Pureit Protecting Lives

Pureit in Doctor's Clinics

Thousands of doctors across the country rely on Pureit for their patients in the clinic.

Pureit in Schools

A schools education programme – ‘Safe Water, Health for Success’ – initiated by Pureit and The National Academy of Sciences, India (NASI), an eminent body of leading scientists in India, has created awareness about safe water amongst thousands of children. To view, Click Here

Dr. Kalam’s association with ‘Safe Water’

The former Hon. President of India, Dr. A.P.J. Kalam formally launched the ‘Safe Water, Health for Success’ schools education programme.

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Produk Unggulan Unilever

Pureit Produk Unggulan Unilever

* Sehat
* Praktis
* Tanpa listrik dan Gas
* Cuma Rp.1875/galon
Selamat datang di dunia Pureit

Terdepan dalam pemurni air rumah di dunia!

Pureit, sebuah terobosan menawarkan banyak manfaat yang unik - perlindungan lengkap dari semua penyakit yang disebabkan air minum tercemar, dengan harga terjangkau.Pureit membunuh semua virus dan bakteri berbahaya dan menghilangkan pestisida parasit dan kotoran, memberi Anda air yang 'seaman water'TM direbus. Ini menjamin keluarga Anda dari 100% perlindungan dari semua penyakit seperti sakit kuning, diare, tipus dan kolera. Terlebih lagi, tidak perlu minyak,gas, listrik atau air keran terus-menerus. Pureit memenuhi kriteria membunuh kuman dari Badan Perlindungan Lingkungan (EPA), badan pengawas yang paling tangguh di Amerika Serikat. Lindungilah Orang-orang terkasih dengan air minum yang aman.